Hublot Launches Special Watch To Help Save The Rhino
Over the years has Hublot actively contributed to many great charity organizations. As they continue in this tradition, they have now joined forces with Kevin Pietersen, whose organization ‘Save Our Rhino Africa India‘ (SORAI) is determined to protect the rhinoceroses from extinction. This threat is genuine, as two-thirds of all the rhino species are estimated to disappear within the next few decades, as their populations decline sharply.
SORAI is fighting this battle by supporting existing organizations, who each play a different role in helping the rhino survive. A significant part of the money that SORAI and Hublot raise with the sale of a special limited edition will go to ‘Care for Wild.’ This organization, the largest of its kind in the world, takes care of baby rhinos which are orphaned as a result of poaching. By doing so, they not only contribute to the survival of the animals but the species as a whole. Another substantial part of the revenues will go to the South African National Parks agency who will use it to upgrade their airborne thermal surveillance capabilities. This allows them to track rhino’s also at night and keep even then an eye out for poachers, and respond swiftly when spotted.

As is always the case with Hublot did they went all in to ensure that this watch, of which they only make one hundred pieces, is something exceptional. The case of the watch is crafted from beige ceramic, which is micro-blasted for a subtle matte finish. We also find beige details on the dial, where also a small rhino serves as a constant reminder of the precarious situation the rhinos are in and to the contribution that the owner of the watch made in trying to save them. The finishing touch is the strap, as Hublot delivers this watch on one with a camouflage decor which not only goes very well with the beige ceramic case but also blends in perfectly with the natural habitat of the rhino.